I remember it was while in secondary school I started praying for my husband n children...I never knew I would have to wait for a while before getting married... For many of us, our desire is to get married... right after school. Of course, after getting a job n all that... but one thing that kept me going was during my period of waiting.  I heard God clearly regarding the person God had prepared for me. Many men came around,  of course, Godly n Good men....but I had to an extent understood how God speaks to me...so I knew and I was willing to wait ✋️ for His will for my life.

When you know how God speaks to you in your daily walk with Him... it would be easier to hear Him regarding one of the most important decisions of your life. He would not lead you astray... Just 🥳🥰🥰trust and be willing to follow His will for your life. It's not too late to start praying....you might still be in Uni, Get scriptures....you can have them pasted on the wall in your room, Start calling those things that be not as though they were,

Please ur comments...can also drop ur questions. We shall move to the second point.


The Bible said that a man who Luke 14:28 desires to build must first sit down to count the cost. .. knowledge empowers you.  What you don't know destroys you.

Marriage is like a building... That's why the bible says - A wise woman BUILDS her home...while a foolish woman tears hers down... No one builds with the intention to tear down. But in order to build a strong, lasting, and admirable edifice.

*FOUNDATION*- WHAT SUSTAINS THE MARRIAGE - That requires the right knowledge, understanding of God's purpose for you n your partner coming together and the part you must play in fulfilling God's kingdom agenda.

*PILLARS*-  WHAT BEAUTIFIES THE MARRIAGE - love, wisdom, peace, good character, industrious,   humility,  submissiveness, compassion, sacrifice......

*ROOF* - WHAT PRESERVES THE 🏡 HOME - A life of prayer, avoiding intruders, 3rd party, or comparison in your 💑 marriage. You are to protect it with your life ✨️ life and ensure that what God has entrusted unto you is preserved.


Dear Sis, GO 🚶‍♂️ for Knowledge.

The number one prescription is to read... Ignorance is not an excuse...*WHAT YOU DONT KNOW YOU SUFFER FOR*


As you lay your bed, so shall you lie on it.

Remember, the WEDDING is not THE MARRIAGE ....The marriage 💑 starts after the wedding of a few hours....

To acquire knowledge

_ Read books on marriage

- Attend single seminars

_ Have a marriage mentor,  someone you can learn  from or get guidance or receive instruction from

You have never walked that path...so you need those who have walked 🚶‍♀️ the path and have been successful to guide you, do you don't make the same mistakes.

In all, remember that every marriage 💑 is unique, n you must build it according to God's description for yours.

God would help us all in Jesus' name, amen.

You may wonder what kind of knowledge I need to acquire.

Few things to jote down

- You must understand how a man thinks.... gender differences

- 💑 marriage is about meeting needs _ you have to understand what a man wants n then what your 👨 ma wants.

- learn about your temperament,  love languages

- Learn about conflict resolution

_ how to communicate effectiveness wisely, your ability to listen

- How to build friendship

_ How to nurture the 🤴 King in a 👨 man.

Sometimes, the people around you... perhaps your male friends are positioned by God to gauge your preparedness and train you for the one who is to come 🤣🥳🙏🙏.

The Lord would guide us into all TRUTH and WISDOM through HIS word to build beautiful, admirable, and glorious homes in Jesus ' name. AMEN🥰Go for knowledge, my dear sisters, Don't assume you know. Why do men honor and love their wives more than others... because they understand men...especially their husbands... Beauty alone cannot sustain a marriage....knowledge... knowing what to do and how to do it to attract the favor of God and the man God has given to u is key


I remember writing in my journal whilst in the Uni, my ideal man....wrote a long-live letter to God...I'm sure most of us have a list as well....but increasingly I also wrote a long list of the kind of wife I wanted to be to my husband...and unconsciously I started working towards it... I started buying 📚 books on marriage 💑....to read in order to prepare myself...

No knowledge is lost...

Below are a few books you might find helpful.

_ The Praying WIFE

_ The total woman - gifted to me by one of my admirers

- 5 love languages by Gary

The Act of Marriage _ The Beauty of Sexual Love by Tim Lattaye

- The Language of love and Respect by Dr. Emerson

_ His needs,  her needs_ building an affair- proof Marriage 💑 by Willard Jr.

There are a lot of books....but I would like to sound a warning ⚠️ to be careful what you read... not all 📚 books are biblically based.  So please let's be careful what we read 📚 , and watch n who we listen to.

🙏👉🏼👉🏼Thank you Sis. Linda for joining in, you're welcome. There are a lot to read, watch n listen to

..but let the principles in the bible guide you. Your marriage, your man is unique...don't compare yourself with anyone... only God can give you the blueprint.Third point 👉Let's have the questions rolling in


In order to be preferred, people and especially the one God has prepared for you must see the value you carry.

If you don't value yourself, no one will.

The value you place on yourself comes with, first of all, recognizing who you are in Christ. You were bought with a prize,  not just any but the life of Jesus Christ, which means God saw much more value in you, that He went all the way to die for you,  so that you may receive His life in you.... Christ in you the hope of a glorious future. You have the greatest treasure, ❤️ with the greatest and priceless value.....inside of you...so you're not ordinary or an accident.  You are here on purpose to fulfill God's purpose on earth which includes getting married, multiplying, and Replenishing the earth in all ramifications.

So you must embrace your uniqueness,  never compare yourself with anyone... Your race is different, and your path is defined by God and not man.

If you're not satisfied with where you are. Don't give up. Develop yourself to be the woman you want to see or grow into. It's never too late to build yourself. But just dont give up on yourself irrespective of your background and what life throws at you.

Your mistakes and past do not define you. You are only defined by the choices you make TODAY...

It's also important you discover your purpose and get busy in fulfilling it. Cause God can only send His Son, who is committed to destiny, to a 👩 woman who is also busy in His kingdom....

Identifying your purpose brings clarity... when God brings someone to you... You can sense that this person is from God, cause your vision n purpose just aligns..

That way, you erase confusion 😕 and avoid second-guessing....

So in conclusion __ You're not here by accident.  You are here on purpose to fulfill God's purpose. When you discover it, n start walking 🚶‍♂️ walking in the light of your calling....the right person would gravitate towards you naturally... God is the greatest match_ maker 😀.  You can not be stranded... He does the best job when you consult Him and do it His way... not the way of the world.

He would always come through for you in Jesus' name, amen.🙏🙏.

God cannot hand over an unprepared handmaid to His son who is prepared. When you identify your purpose....that special person would gravitate toward you.....Many people are stranded because they are not busy.... they are just waiting on God, Get busy with God and God would handle your business.


To be Frank, discovering God's purpose is a journey 🙏.  God has the master plan and blueprint of your life. The more you depend on Him and consciously ask Him for directions....Lord what could you have me do, this year or this month or today....at my workplace....the more you engage God in your everyday life, the more He reveals His grand plan for your life to you.

When I wake up in the morning 🌄...I will meet time ask Him, Lord what would you have me do today.

Sometimes,  it comes as an inspiration, a flash of thought ( of course, I know I was not thinking of that at all) or sometimes through His word...

Or even prophesies or dreams.... God can reveal His grand plan for your life in several ways. But you must be willing to accept it, trust Him, and obey the voice of God through the journey.....

If you're still confused...its time to separate yourself - and wait on God till you gain clarity and direction regarding His purpose for your life.

God is a God of purpose... and marriage 💑 is a journey of two people walking 🚶‍♂️ in God's purpose.


Be rest assured,  He would speak to you if you seek Him with all your heart ❤️. Are we following.... these are important things you must settle with God in the place of prayer.

You can keep praying....but God needs to be sure you can handle your next level....before He can usher you into it..

So you don't crash. Some of us....have an Inferior complex. We are not sure of so many things in our lives. Purpose brings clarity And DIRECTION. We are stagnant In life...because we've lost God's road map to the next level. If you not sure of what God's calling over your life is.It's time to go back to God , and separate yourself to find clarity When you do...your journey would be shortened.No more confusion in our lives in Jesus' name amen.