Sarah's name was changed from Sarai to Sarah...meaning the mother of nations.

She was chosen in her generation to be the one to carry the *"promised seed"*- Isaac, but she also had to bear the pain 💔 that came with years of barrenness and being called names.

To be preferred sometimes requires sacrifice, towing the unconventional path.

When your destiny is great, your path is always different...

Don't ever be discouraged or under pressure when you see other people getting married or your friends celebrating their anniversaries.

You must understand that everyone's timing n seasons are different.

Someone's timing can not stop yours.

Their celebration can not stop yours.

Rejoice with them, cause It's only a matter of time... You'll be next in line to 🍾 celebrate in Jesus' name, amen.

It's not enough to admire marriages, you must be willing to do what it takes to experience the same..

Knowledge is key 🔑...

Wisdom is 🔑 key...

My people perish for lack of knowledge.

You must arm yourself...don't assume you know, or you think, I'll figure it out... let me enter first.

*Remember, you don't prepare in marriage, you prepare for marriage*

Are we following???

So, back to the  4 PRACTICAL THINGS TO DO


I will also be sharing my life lessons with you as well.


The first and foremost thing you must do that can not be over-emphasized is:



God is a God of covenant, and marriage 💑 is a covenant.  So you can't enter and enjoy marriage without first securing your Covenant with God. In other words,  you can't enter into a successful Covenant with God's special own( husband) if you don't have one with God first.

Having a close relationship gives you access to God's will for your life.

It makes you understand God's timing, and so you're not perturbed because you've heard God.

Having a close relationship with God makes you more familiar with His voice, and you know how He speaks to you and what He wants you to do per time and season of your life.

You would not be under pressure when you're acquitted with God. That's when you come to a place of rest and peace.

No more confusion in your life in Jesus' name. AMEN. You'll begin to hear God clearly, not just in the area of marriage but for your destiny and His purpose for your life in Jesus' name, amen.

Learn to cultivate a fervent prayer life and have a schedule for the study of God's word... It's time to build your altar,  you must build your war room NOW, marriage in itself is full of battles... you must learn to fight on your knees to win in marriage.  What you build in your singlehood would not only sustain you in marriage but your lifetime.

Start NOW....

We must know how God speaks to us. The more familiar you are with His voice on a daily basis....knowing God's will in marriage would not be difficult.

I've learned....that God continues to speak when you learn to OBEY ....sometimes ur walking down the street and  He tells you to speak to someone or preach....the moment you OBEY...He would continue to speak, But anytime we disobey God, He withdraws His voice,

Learn to hear involving Him.... Lord what would you have me do today....

I ❤️ love when He speaks... when He does you know its HIM

His voice is like many glasses of water, assuring and soothing

Just a lil story yo share.