The nearest thing to heaven on earth is the Christian family and home, where husband and wife, parents and children, live together in love and peace, devoted to God and to each other. So also ,by way of contrast, the nearest thing to hell on earth is the ungodly home, broken by sin and iniquity, where parents quarrel and bicker and separate, and where children are given over to the forces of wickedness to be brought up with scarcely any training at all.

The "Ideal Christian Home" is a place where the perfect standard of the life of Jesus Christ is in place. You all will agree with me that if the  society will be a habitable place for people to live together in peace and harmony, it must begin from a home.

If a home produces Godly character, society will be a safe haven for all to live in.

 WE CAN ONLY HAVE A BETTER SOCIETY with good character, good conduct, a peaceful and loving atmosphere when we have an ideal Christian home. Hence, without an ideal home, society can only get worse and be thrown into chaos.

 As good children are raised in good homes, so also armed robbers, kidnappers, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc. are raised in bad homes within the same society.🤔☹️☹️☹️If the home is correct, the society will be correct. Hence, if the home is correct, the Church will be as well.

In Luke chapter 2, Jesus honoured the home. His birthplace was mean (Luke 2:7). The house and the city, where His parents lived, showed plainly the poor estate of the family, which, while it was of noble lineage, was greatly reduced in circumstances. 

Jesus Himself learned and practised the trade of a carpenter. In living in this home at Nazareth for thirty years of His life, Jesus showed that it was possible under hard outward conditions to live a noble life and to cultivate and practise those virtues and qualities, which afterwards so greatly blessed the whole world.

Now, let us together x-ray what makes the Ideal Christian Home.

1. A Place of the Fear of God : In writing to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5) Paul calls to mind the unfeigned faith that is in Timothy, which dwelt first in his grandmother Lois and then in his mother Eunice. Paul himself was brought up by devout parents.
The Bible has many instances of men, like that of Samuel, who was trained for great tasks in a religious household. The old proverb has it, “Like father, like son.”

Is your home religious?
One thing is certain If God is honoured by the parents and the home commended to Him, the children will be quite sure to honour Him also.

Bring up your children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Have them ready to meet Christ at any time (Mark 13:34-37).

 2. A place of Love: In the various vicissitudes of married life, and in the bringing up of children, the bond, which needs to be strengthened, and the duty which needs to be done, is that of love.

 Love can carry husband and wife over the more difficult places of life.
Paul says, 

Let every one of you so love his wife even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband” (Ephesians 5:33).

One of the greatest blessings we can receive in this life is the love of a family, and the bonds that exist between its members must be sacred.

It is no accident that the Bible is filled with passages that explain our relationship with God, comparing it to our relationship with our earthly father.

Sincerely, our families are intended to reflect God’s unconditional love
Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loves His Church, and wives are called to devote themselves to their husbands, as the Church devotes itself to Christ. 

Emulating the love that exists between God and His Church in a family is not an easy feat, and we must strive for it.

Yes, we must strive for it. The devil is fighting the love and peace in Christian home with so many techniques.  We need to arise and fight back!

Some of these techniques can be seen in how families struggle with emptiness, lack of communication, and pain. These can not be found in real Christian homes. Someone said; “if your house has a damaged foundation, it doesn’t matter how many sparkles you use, cracks will keep reappearing.

In the same way, a family can’t succeed if you are not maintaining its foundation.”

Permit me to ask, sister!!!!  What is the foundation of your home?

Remember,  a Christian family begins and ends with each member’s personal commitment to God. To get to where you want to be, you need to know your destination.
Ensure each member of your home has a personal commitment to God!!!!

Once you all  have aligned yourself with God’s plan, God will take care of the rest.

Duties of Wives To Their Husbands
 a) The Christian wife is to be subject to her husband 

Ephesians 5:22-23 says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church.”

Sister, please know that marriage is not a 50-50 proposition. The husband and the wife are not to be jointly in the place of headship. Our Lord plainly says, “The husband is the head of the wife.” 

This does not mean that the wife is less important in the home than the husband or that she is to be a slave of the husband, NO!!!!!, but it does mean that she is to submit to the leadership role of her husband. 

The only exception would be if he asks her to violate clear scriptural teachings (Acts 5:29).

When you start behaving like the head , which you are not, you call for trouble in the home.

b) The wife is to respect and admire her husband. 

 Ephesians 5:33 says, “Let every one of you (husbands) . . . so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.”

The wife should respect her husband. This seems to be true even for the wife who has an unsaved husband (1 Peter 3:1).

What kind of life are you living before your husband? 

Does he see in you true Christian living? 

Are you cheerful, loving, loyal, and obedient?

Some wives drive their husbands away from Christ because they don’t respect them. Instead of being cheerful and obedient, they are noted for preaching and nagging. This has become common among christians, and we need to be exceptional as members or WOMEN IMPACTING NEXT GENERATION.

Incaese you don't know, let me inform you, Nothing breaks the spirit of a man more quickly than a nagging wife

 c) The Christian wife is to be a keeper at home. 

Titus 2:4-5 says, “Teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home.”

The home is to be the sphere of the woman’s influence. There are too many families that have such a high standard of living that mother has to work away from home to help pay the bills. Unfortunately,  this is the kind of society we find ourselves currently. Then in the evening, when happy family activities should take place, mother’s energy is all spent, and pressing duties don’t permit her that happy fellowship.

There may be some exceptions, but generally speaking, the father is to be the breadwinner, and the mother is to be the keeper at home.

Unfortunately,  we as Women need to blend well to assist our husband and also keep the home as expected. 

In conclusion, we must bear in mind that every child is born into this world with a sinful nature, and that the cute cooing baby in his cradle will soon demonstrate that he has a will of his own. He or she  will lustily scream if he doesn’t get his own way. Thus, every child needs to be taught diligently. Reading and quoting the Bible in your home should be just as natural as talking about the weather. Please start as soon as they are able to hear their names when call  them. 

Teach them the way of salvation. Read to them from wholesome literature. Memorize Bible verses with them. It is amazing how much truth a child’s mind can absorb. To achieve this, the Word of God must first be in we the parents’ hearts! Children are great imitators.

We have all seen little girls wearing the clothes of older persons. They want to be like mother. The best way to “train up a child in the way he should go” is to go that way yourself. Most children want to be the kind of man or  their mother and dad is.

 Thank you for making time to read , learn, and unlearn.

Remember,  for this teachings  to be impactful,  we need to be intentional about practising all we have read/ discuss here.

✍🏻Mrs Queen Esther Osae 
President -Women Impacting Next Generation Network( WING)